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Understanding the Probate Process

Losing a loved one can be an emotional and exhausting experience in and of itself. Naturally many people become overwhelmed with what to do next when a loved one passes away. 


The Law Office of Stacy E. Dame, LLC has helped many individuals and families from beginning to end of the probate process. While no two estates are the same, there are general steps that you can take at the onset of any administration.


1) Take some time to grieve. 

You have to allow yourself time to grieve, plan the funeral, lay your loved one to rest, and get some rest.

2) Locate the decedent's original Will,if one exists

3) Obtain a copy of the decedent's death certificate.

4) Make a list of the decedent's next of kin (names and addresses)

5) Start examining decedent's documents and mail for information regarding assets and liabilities

6) Consult with an Attorney


An attorney will help you determine what, if any, estate proceeding is required.


I will do everything I can to simplify the process for you. To schedule a consultation and to learn more contact me today,



Law Office of Stacy E. Dame LLC

4247 Red Mill Valley Road
Perry, Ohio 44081


 2021 Stacy Dame Law LLC

This site is offered by the Law Office of Stacy E. Dame, LLC for general information purposes only. This is neither advertising or solicitation. This site does not constitute legal advice nor does it establish an attorney- client relationship between the user and the firm or its attorneys.  Please do not transmit any confidential information or documentation through communication with our office until an attorney-client relationship has been established. The information contained on this site shall not be interpreted as any representation or warranty whatsoever. 

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